Goal 1.6

Students will be able to apply knowledge of biology to one or more contemporary
issues in society.

In biology 330 Conservation Biology we looked into the Endangered Species Act and what it was and how they were planning on fixing this issue. Current extinction rates are much higher than the normal extinction rates and this is a huge problem all over the world.

I looked into how trade of plants is effecting animals because their food sources begin to dwindle. Animals in risk of becoming endangered need special watch and preventative organizations to keep them from going extinct. Thousands of species are gone due to human trading and destruction of their habitats.

This was interesting to look into because I had never done much research into extinction rates and saw how scary all this really is. Everyone knows that there are many endangered animals, but I do not think many realize the extremity of it. I was used to looking at things through a microscope instead of the outside effects on the environment and animals, but having skills form previous classes allowed me to understand data collection techniques and how to study it. I think this class increased my skills in seeing situations form different view points and new ones of thinking instead of being very straight-minded on things.
