Goal 1.5

Students will be able to integrate physics and chemistry concepts into relevant
biological contexts.

This part of my time at Longwood was probably the most challenging. I took organic chemistry my second semester freshman year and I was terrified. Everyone talked about how hard it was and it could be pretty easy to fail. It took a lot of work and tons of extra studying. I actually ended up really enjoying this class because it really challenged me and made me think in ways I really hadn’t before.

While this was definitely very hard I believe it was extremely helpful. I want to work with creating medicines and improving healthcare and this is something that would be very important to know and utilize in this field. I am taking an internship working with Johnson and Johnson in the medical department so this will be very helpful to me.

I also saw these challenges in chemistry 112 going deeper into the mathematic side of chemistry which I really enjoyed. I like to figure things out that challenge me and be able to find the solution. Having multiple biology classes that talked about how elements and molecules work together allowed me to easier understand this curriculum and use techniques from previous classes to work through the information.
