Goal 3.1

Students will be able to write effectively in multiple contexts within the discipline.

For this goal I think especially of biology 301 anatomy and physiology I. For each groups’ research project we were required to write a proposal, general audience paper, and create a poster of our results. All three of these are very different types of writing in the context that a proposal is asking for money or resources to perform a research, a general audience is putting our research into laments terms that any reader could understand, and the poster is explaining our research, what we found, and what it means/why it is important. A general audience is definitely difficult because in biology classes you talk with other biology majors who understand your research and the terms used, but now you have to explain it to those who have never heard of the techniques/tests done in your project. I think I have been able to do this effectively because in multiple classes like 301, biology 288, and biology 488 I have written general audiences on different topics. As simple as it may seem to articulate your research to anyone, it is a lot harder than writing a regular lab report where you say exactly what you did with which tools and techniques. This takes skill to be concise and get your results across efficiently, but the classes I listed above gave many examples of papers to read and supplemental sources of how to write these papers effectively.


