Goal 1.2

Students will be able to analyze critically and apply the major principles of cell and
molecular biology.

Biology 425: Modern Genetics

I chose to enroll in this class because I really enjoyed biology 324 Genetics and wanted to dive even deeper. The class focused around Covid-19 and we completed a semester long project of picking different variants of the virus and determining where the mutations were on the open reading frames of the strain. This was super interesting being able to actually see the 3-D models of the proteins and how the mutations changed the shapes. Since this project was so relevant to the pandemic we are currently living in, this was something that was very informative. This class and studying the molecular shapes of the virus was actually what caused me to change my career path into a focus genetics in clinical trials.

I feel as though this class helped me increase skills in how to read scientific literature and educated me on what bioinformatics were. I had never really heard of this science before or what it was used for, and it gave me new skills on analytical and data collection in genetics and biology as a whole.

The artifact I linked is the mutations for my particular variant and where they are in the sequence.
