Dear Senior Montana,
I am extremely proud of how far you have come. I know that everyday has been a struggle for you to continue your education and just know that you have done an amazing job. The hard work you put in finally paid off. The tears you cried, the nights you didn’t sleep, the don’t matter now. The grades you got that you thought were going to ruin your future didn’t. When you thought the world was weighing you down, you continued to get up, I am so proud. Just know that you did your best and that’s all I have ever wanted for us.
Just remember that during freshman year you were struggling, terrified you weren’t going to graduate because you were a ball of stress and anxiety (we both know it’s true.) Now look at yourself, you are an accomplished woman ready to take on the world (hopefully), prepared to spend your life doing what you love most in this world. Do what makes you happiest in this world even if other disagree with you. As of October 17, 2019, you were a college freshman who had no idea what they are doing, but today you know exactly where you are headed. Hopefully you are excited to see what your future holds, I know that I am. You are doing great sweetie keep your head up high and continue working hard.
Love always,
Freshman Montana