
There are many apps available that help people track their health and physical activity. Which is very helpful when people are trying to lose weight, maintain a healthy diet or just a healthy lifestyle in general. Both physical and health education is important to everyone due of the many underlying health issues it can prevent. Becoming physically active and increasing your knowledge of your health will also help lessen any symptoms caused by any underlying problems that person my be experiencing. Because of the big transition in technology there have been many devices created to help people keep track of everything they do throughout the day and your are also able to insert or sync these things to your phone. Not only will the person trying to keep track of their health able to see results from the app but the health provider will as well. By both parties being able to see the results they will each know what changes need to be made or what can stay the same.

Here you will find the url of an article that discuss technology in physical education classes, specifically the gym.

Here you find the url to another website that includes a video of a lesson plan that included technology.