
Hello.  My name is Brandon Schools, and I am a senior here at Longwood University.  Like many of you who have accessed this ePortfolio, I am striving to meet final requirements for graduation and become one of America’s successfully employed active citizens.  I am majoring in Business Management, having completed requirements, except two courses which I plan to complete next semester.  I am following my grandfather and great grandfather into the field of business administration, as they both were successful business professionals, but are now retired.  By following full-time academic studies since high school, my past employments have been during the summers and involved mostly manual labor, which suited me.  I enjoy an active lifestyle with changing activities.  Personal interests include baseball, fishing, and hunting.  Finding employment after graduation that connects the two areas will be challenging and hopefully exciting.


Through completing class activities and course assignments, I feel I have gained knowledge of what active citizenship involves by following the Course Learning Outcomes.  By understanding the nature of rhetorical appeals learned in this course, and improving the way to consider my audience, my purpose, and the context in which I write, I think I will be more effective in presenting my topic in any written communication as I continue to develop on my path as an active citizen.  

Course Learning Outcomes

1) engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues;  

2) understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context;

3) choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes;

4) analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations;

5) understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.