Observation (1st grade)

This observation was really cool! It was only my first placement, so it was pretty short at only 30 hours. I went all the way from Farmville to Lunenburg, so it was a little less than an hour drive. This was a tough spot to be in too because it was my first placement so the hours were not built into my semester schedule. I had to find my own time to drive down there, which was a challenge considering the commute!! But, I will say that I got very lucky because I happened to have my Fridays free as well as my roommate who was also at the same placement. So, we would wake up super early and drive down together to get there before school started and we would stay until the end of the day to get our hours! I was exhausted for sure, but this was such a culture shock for me, I was glad to have experienced it. It was a title 1 school in a veryyyyy rural area…they take off for the first day of hunting season. I met some very sweet kids and learned a lot!