
Hello! My name is Julie Rose and I have just finished up my freshman year here at Longwood! I am very excited about where I finished things up this year. First semester I finished on the President’s List and second semester I finished on Dean’s! I am very proud of all of my hard work that I have accomplished!

Along with my academic accomplishments I also have gotten involved around campus. During the first day of the Honors retreat I met the president of the Jewish Culture Club. I was incredibly thrilled to hear that even though it is a small community, there is a Jewish community here on campus. I got elected to the event’s chair officer position in the club and helped keep myself and others on campus involved and educated in my culture!

Other than the Jewish Culture Club, I got chosen to be an Ambassador! That was one of my other major accomplishments this year as only 13 other students got chosen along side me. It was a huge honor and I cannot wait to continue with the Ambassadors and spread my love for Longwood!

Finally, I came into Longwood with the intentions of going into Liberal Studies with a concentration in elementary education. I still plan on majoring in this discipline so that I can hopefully teach kindergarteners one day! I have taken one education class so far and absolutely adored it! I have met so many amazing people in the few short months I have been here and I am so eager to continue and blossom into the person that I am meant to become!