Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Julie,

I hope that you are as excited about Longwood still in your senior year as you were your freshman year. This year you have made so many accomplishments from academics, to extracurriculars, to SO many amazing new friends! There is still so much to do and looking back on your time at Longwood, I hope that you took the chance to do as much as you possibly could.

Although there are a lot of things that were fun and exciting that have happened, there are some things that you will have done by senior year that terrify freshman year you. Just think back to your very first honors retreat during the trip to Sandy River Adventure Park. You were really scared to climb that ropes course and take a leap of faith off the platform to biplane among the trees. But you did it an soared to new heights, literally! BY senior year, you will have studied abroad (hopefully in your dream destination, Greece). Think about all you have overcome! Flying is so scary to freshman year you! But you faced your fear, got on that plane, and saw the world.

Next, I hope you have never forgotten  the people you love. Think about freshman year with keeping in touch to the people who meant the most to you in high school. I am proud that you kept in touch with them every single day during freshman year. Hopefully looking back that will continue to be true up to senior year. Also do not forget the friends you have made along the way! These people have lifted you up and supported you in your worst days when you crammed studying all night and your best days when not a weight was on your shoulder; remember what they have done for you and let them know how grateful you are for them.

Lastly, take time to reflect on all of the important moments you have had that reflect your growth, good and bad. You were diagnosed with IBS, gluten intolerance, and lactose intolerance all in the same time and that following year was the toughest you had faced up until your sophomore year. Freshman year you can’t even imagine what struggles lie ahead, but no matter what happens, just remember that you learned how to change your life around and become stronger both mentally and physically form your struggle with that disease. You. Can. Do. Anything. Freshman year Julie believes in you whole heartedly, and I hope you believe in you wholeheartedly because you can do anything your mind can imagine and your heart can desire. Go get em’ girl.

Love, Freshman year Julie