“Study Abroad”

My study abroad experience was supposed to be traveling to Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia. I am absolutely terrified of flying in planes but I sought out the advice of my advisor who happens to have the same problem as well as talking to my doctor. I was nervous but so ready to get out of the country and broaden my horizons. All of my friends from school were going on the trip, the person hosting was a professor that I absolutely love, and the subject matter, children’s literature, I am very passionate about. But then, covid hit. The trip was cancelled- two summers in a row. Needless to say, I am devastated. I am taking a virtual study abroad experience in place of it about Florence, Italy. I really am not getting anything out of it as it is just writing a discussion board post everyday with little to no context behind what I am doing. I am sad about it, very, very sad. But, if nothing else, I guess I am learning how to roll with the punches.