Common Good Project

The common good project presented students with the task of working with other classmates to create a website, brochure, and rationale regarding a current public issue. This project allowed me to accomplish multiple class outcome goals, but the most prevalent and recognizable goals were one and three. Goal one is to engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues and goal three choosing appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes. The common good project accomplishes goal one by allowing our team the opportunity to investigate the issue of illiteracy around the world. Research had to be conducted to get a deep understanding of the knowledge we would be presenting. While completing the common good project I gained various perspectives about illiteracy. For example, it allowed me to recognize the public issue of illiteracy from the perspective of the United Nations, scholars specializing in the issue, and individuals dealing with problem. I also was also able to get a better perspective of the issue from developing countries as well as developed countries. Goal one is accomplished by being tasked with choosing various formats within the common good project. For example, we had to appropriately choose different formats for our brochure, rationale, and website. Depending on our audience and type of media our formats had to change. Within the brochure we had to use a more personal approach to try to personally reach our audience. For example, we left a section on the brochure blank, so we could send the brochure to a specific organization. Within the rationale our format was drastically different because it was not persuasive but rather it was informational, concerning the class concepts that were incorporated into our project. The website used various formats that combined persuasive and informational strategies. Within the website we strived to use a persuasive format to inspire our audience to donate to help decrease illiteracy, but also educated our audience on the problems that illiteracy creates.