
Of the three Honors Pillars, Scholarship is probably the most self-explanatory. It is no surprise that academics are one of the most important components of participation in the Cormier Honors College, but Scholarship is more than a GPA. There are several academic requirements that Honors students must fulfill the following:

  1. A total of at least eight Honors courses, three of which must be at the 300 level or above. Students can “enhance” up to three regular courses to count for Honors credit. Enhancing means working with the professor and doing additional work, usually culminating with a presentation at the semesterly enhancement fair.
  2. At least one Honors course every two semesters. If a student skips doing an Honors course in the Fall, he or she must do one in the Spring and vice versa.
  3. Maintaining a 3.25 general GPA.
  4. Maintaining a 3.25 GPA for Honors Courses.
  5. Complete a long-term or short-term study abroad program.
  6. Complete an Honors portfolio.

Thus far I have completed Honors Intro to Ethics (Spring 2017, PHIL308) and Honors Longwood Seminar (Fall 2016, LSEM100-50).

In addition to my academic requirements, I strive to infuse this pillar in my life through student organizations.

First, I write for Longwood University’s school paper, the Rotunda. I am part of the news staff. Secondly, I was recently inducted into Sigma Alpha Pi (the National Society for Leadership and Sucess). Finally, I volunteer in Farmville tutoring public housing children, in the hopes  of furthering their scholarship.