Goal 4 ENGL316: Writing Fiction

For Goal 4, Longwood students are required to do a class relating to the arts in some way. There are a variety of classes that qualify, from art to music to theater to writing, so I chose to do English 316, Writing Fiction.

In the class, we wrote our own stories and “workshopped” others (workshopping entailed writing a detailed critique of the piece, and then having a class discussion of what could be improved). The majority of the grade was split between workshops and our own stories, with a small portion towards reading and taking quizzes based on pre-existing stories.

The portion of our grade that was about our own stories was done through a final portfolio. In the final portfolio, among other things, we had to create second drafts of our two stories and then write about the changes.

The artifact that I have chosen to include is the longer write-up of changes made to my story, and how I used different techniques learned from other stories to improve mine. I think this is particularly relevant and representative of what I learned in the course because it involved both my writing, revision, and incorporating techniques learned from other pieces.

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