List of Goals

General Education Classes/Longwood Goals
Classes transferred in via dual Enrollment (DE) do not have pages with reflections.

Goal 1: LSEM100: Honors Longwood Seminar (Fall 2016)
Goal 2: ENGL150: Writing and research (pre-Longwood DE)
Goal 3:  ENGL210: Frontier Literature (Spring 2019)
Goal 4: ENGL316: Writing Fiction (Spring 2017)
Goal 5: MATH164: Precalculus (Fall 2016)
Goal 6: GNED162: Intro to Environmental Science (Winter 2017)
Goal 7: HIST100: Foundations of Western Civilization (Fall 2016)
Goal 8: HIST221: US History Colonial to 1877 (pre-Longwood DE)
Goal 9: HIST117-Ancient world (pre-Longwood DE)
Goal 10: Foreign Language Competency (Germ 201 & Up), waiver (I’m a German and History double major)
Goal 11: PHED101: Fitness Concepts Through Exercise (pre-Longwood DE)
Goal 12: PHIL308: Honors Introduction to Ethics (Spring 2017)
Goal 13: TBA