
Table 3:

Chi-Squared Test of Amount of Fun had While Completing the Activity by the Amount of Time it took to Complete the Activity.

Amount of time:         0-10 min         11-20 min       21-30   Longer than 30 min    p-value

Fun Level:                                                                                                                   0.0001906

0 to 5                           0                      0                      2                      0

6 to 10                         4                      9                      14                    11

Note: X-squared = 56.587, df = 24


For the chi-squared assignment I chose variable 2 (How long did it take you to and your child/children to complete this activity?) and variable 6 (On a scale of 1-10, how much did your family enjoy this activity?).  The table shows, the longer a family spent working on this activity, the more fun they had.  For family’s who did not have much fun completing this activity, the table shows that they did spend much time working on the activity.