After Graduation

Our program launched in Fall of 2015. Our first 4 NeuroStudies minors graduated in Spring 2017. We’re on track to graduate nearly 30 minors in Spring 2018! Check back for updates on where our graduates go and updated contact information as we have it available. All our graduates are required to develop LinkedIn accounts during their NEUR 405 course. Please reach out to them there!


2017 Neuroscience Studies Graduates

As the first class to graduate from Longwood with the Neuroscience Studies minor, our students are doing great things! Reach out to them by clicking their names and begin building your own connections towards a career in a Neuroscience-related discipline! Annie Battle (Psychology) Madison Marks (Psycholoy) – Neuromodulation Technician at Network Neurology Christine Rose (Biomedical …

2018 Neuroscience Studies Graduates

The Neuroscience Studies minor graduated even more students in 2018, many of whom are going on to explore careers enhanced by neuroscience. Click the name of a graduate to be directed to their LinkedIn profile.   Hannah Auerbach (CSDS) – Intends to pursue a Masters of Science in speech-language pathology. Jessica Bracco (Psychology) – Interested …

Careers In Neuroscience

Longwood University’s unique Neuroscience Studies minor exists to help students learn the basic concepts in neuroscience and apply them to their major fields of interest. Who are you? What do you want to be? Longwood’s Campus Career Center can help push you in the right direction (and the Writing Center can help you draft a …

Neuroscience Studies Awards

And the award goes to …     At Longwood, we value our students and their dedication to learning. The Neuroscience Studies program hands out three awards each year to students that go above and beyond. These include: Gray Matter Award – For Academic Excellence in the Neuroscience Studies Minor Astrocyte Award – for Outstanding …

FUN Internship Opportunities

FUN, or Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, is an organization which, like their name states, is committed to the pursuit of neuroscience education at the undergraduate level. Their mission states that they achieve this by: Enhancing undergraduate participation in research Disseminating innovations in undergraduate neuroscience education Recognizing excellence in undergraduate neuroscience education Developing national/regional networks to …