Letter to myself in Four Years
Dear Future Montana,
I pray that you are in your last year of Longwood University and maintaining your grade point average. Your Senior Recital should be over or coming just around the corner. You might be in a sorority or at least two more organizations. Hopefully you are still a part of WMLU and still hosting Rest and Recreation. What you should be doing in four years are my goals right now.
The first semester of your freshman year was fantastic! The Honors Retreat was full of meeting new people. You went on a picnic, played zombie tag in Chichester, heard ghost stories in Ruffner from Dr. Jordan, and went on a ropes course for the first time. New Lancer Days were again full of meeting new people and becoming friends with some that you had already met. Binta Barry was a great and encouraging Peer Mentor. You heard Wes Moore speak, and also watched a seminar on finances. The last day you danced with friends at the tailgate. Your class load was LSEM, Philosophy, Sight Singing, Music Theory, Wind Symphony, Intro to World Music, Midi Class, and Piano. You had to write your first college paper for Philosophy and you got a B. Hopefully your writing skills have at least improved a little. You made great friends and went to D-Hall several times with more people than could fit at a table. I wonder what friends you still talk to every day and what new friends you will make.
The second semester of your freshman year was equally fantastic! You were inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta and were later elected to be Vice President. You got to help with Bandfest, made great friends in the radio station, and also were elected Programs Director. You completed your first ever job interviews for ITC and Desk Aide and were offered both jobs. You accepted the desk aide job and were able to complete a year as a dining hall student employee. You practiced hours for the performance degree audition and of course passed. Your class load was Psychology, French 105, Sight Singing, Music Theory, Wind Symphony, and Piano. Your second semester of college ended with 4.O GPA making your overall GPA a 3.97. My hope is that your GPA is at least a 3.97 because we do not settle for anything less than our best.
My goals, hopefully your accomplishments, are as follows: continue to make new friends, complete your performance degree, join more clubs, start and complete a business minor, and overall be a more confident version of the person you are now.
Trust me, the next four years will be a blast!
-Montana from 2016