Goal 11- Phed 101
Course: Phed 101- Fitness Concepts Through Exercise
Instructor: Tena Ewing
This course was a beginner level fitness class. It was divided into an online portion and an in-person portion. The online portion consisted of articles and videos pertaining to the topic of the week, whether that be healthy food choices or environmental impacts on exercise, and quizzes every week. The in-persion portion consisted of labs every week where the students would practice beginner or advanced exercises in Iler gym. Throughout the course each student also had to wear a device, such as a fitbit, that tracks the number of steps taken in a day. Bi-weekly reports were submitted through Canvas of the accumulated steps. A few of the articles were interesting and informative, but the exercise labs were short and centered on personal motivation. I am a motivated person and believe in living a healthy life style, but it was more time consuming than helpful to have a specified time to complete specific exercises.
The project I am including is a mini experiment based on mindless eating. My version was focused on potato chips. I asked several people to eat a regular sized bag of potato chips while watching a television show. Once the show was over I asked if the participant stopped eating when they were full or when the show was finished. The results were compiled into a powerpoint.