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English 400 helped to develop my professional skills and brought to my attention just how important it is to develop these skills. I have learned to be concise with my communication so an individual can know exactly what I’m trying to convey. This class has also furthered my ability to speak publically in a comfortable manner; a skill I will use daily as a Business major. This class also furthered my reflective reading and encouraged me to pay attention to how I read in the future. This is important because what I read can influence my ideas whether I realize it or not, and I will influence the world around me on a larger scale once entering the workplace. English 400 taught me how exactly the simple things one writes, says, or does affect an audience. These skills I hope to transer into the workplace, at home, and into everyday interaction with the world around me. Transferring this knowledge will be essential to me, moving forward, to enable me to affect the world around me just how I envision.

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