
To me, English 400 was of far greater value than a 3 credit college course. This class for me was more aimed at developing my citizen leadership skills as I leave undergraduate studies and am active in the world. I also am much more comfortable participating as an active citizen through the use of writing and literature. Being able to analyze and read between the lines, especially in civil rhetoric, is now easier and it means more to me when I read it having gained the knowledge and skills of how to do so. Out of all of the assignments in the class, the one that was most helpful was the rhetorical analysis. After learning the skills to carefully analyze rhetor and literature in general, applying that to a rhetor was the most beneficial because it reinforced the idea that there’s much more than what we see at face value on a piece of literature. I think the assignment that helped me best prepare for being an active citizen was the Common Good Project. I am able to go public with my opinions and thoughts on issues much easier and more confident than I did before taking this class. I know that that the concepts I learned in this course will help me in the future especially in the business world that I aim to pursue a career in.