This class was a substitute for the Physical Education Goal after the old class was removed from the curriculum. The class was definitely intended to be taken by 1st year students, so it was quite easy for me.
The best parts of the class were the individual presentations on health issues. I chose to speak on hyperlipidemia, partially because it was the first presentation. I gave a common academic powerpoint presentation, which went fine, but I was pleasantly surprised by how the presentations improved as the year went on. Students incorporated videos and stories of people dealing with health issues that were quite interesting. I also enjoyed doing a group presentation in the pecha kucha format where you talk through a slide for 20 seconds before the next slides runs and you have 20 seconds again. Normally, I am very loose in my presentations, usually having a series of talking points that I explain in a conversational style. The pecha kucha format required me to choose every word and plan out my pace before the presentation started. It was nice to be challenged with a change of style.