FREN 211-Language and Culture

In high school, foreign languages have always been a tough class for me. I chose to complete my language requirements early by doing them in my sophomore year. The class was very easy going and the class wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. I still cannot speak french, but I always like reading about the cultures of other countries. One of my favorite assignments was reading about the griots of West Africa which are kinda like bards.

In terms of learning french, I do not feel like the class helped me much in that regard. I’m not exactly sure what would help foreign language click for me, but I don’t think it will come from a class room unfortunately.

But I got it over with and made it through with an A minus.

My artifact is a short presentation done with two other students. I had to talk in french through the whole presentation but I only had to do two slides. The ones I did were history and celebrities.

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