Formal Report


The last assignment that we completed for this course was the Final Report. This was a group assignment that required group members to meet with one another many times outside of class in order to complete the assignment. Since the assignment was a group assignment it allowed us to complete the sixth-course objective which states, “participate productively in collaborative projects.” Through completing this assignment I was able to learn how to properly compose a formal report which is something that I had never done before. As a group, we learned about all of the components that go into creating a formal report such as the table of contents, executive summary, introduction, mode of analysis, conclusions, recommendations, etc. We looked in the book to find more information on these components and we also conducted research on hotel websites to analyze in our report. By finding this information and conducting this research we fulfilled the third-course outcome which stated, “conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.).” We also made sure that our document followed proper guidelines and design which fulfilled the fourth-course outcome which states, “create professional documents that use design—standard formats, layout, use of graphics, etc.” Some challenges that we faced while completing this assignment included including all of the components of the report that were needed for the criteria, but we with a thorough reading of the book and reviewing notes form lectures, we were able to successfully create a report that met all of the criteria. 

Link to Formal Report: