Press Release


By completing this assignment I was able to gain a better understanding of what a Press Release is and how to successfully compose such a document. This assignment was also a group assignment that we completed which fulfilled the sixth course objective for this course which states, “participate productively in collaborative projects.” When my group and I first met to complete this assignment we were somewhat confused as to what a Press Release was and what it entailed. To overcome this challenge, we reviewed previous powerpoints from class and we also read the detailed description of a Press Release in our textbooks. Along with fulfilling the sixth course objective, we were also able to fulfill the second objective which states, ” create professional documents that use plain English (clear, concise, and grammatically correct).” When creating our brochure, we made sure that we paid close attention to the eight C’s so that our document would stand out in the professional setting. We thought about professionalism in a different way when completing this assignment compared to previous brochures that we have completed in the past. We felt as if the skills that we were using were very productive and beneficial. 

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