
Professional Portfolio 

My name is Mason Moorefield and I am currently a senior at Longwood University studying Communication Sciences and Disorders in hopes to one day become a speech-language pathologist. I have been pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in this field for the past three years and will graduate in May 2019. After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school and obtain my Master’s in speech-language pathology. I have known since my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a speech-language pathologist because of the services and assistance that they provide to clients and patients of all ages.

I am a hardworking, passionate, and organized student who is dedicated to her studies. Throughout my college career, I have excelled in all of my coursework and have been a member of the Dean’s List every semester since my freshman year. Along with my strong work ethic and passion to excel in everything that I do, I also have many professional skills that will allow me to successfully work and write in a professional setting.

I currently am a substitute teacher at the Andy Taylor Center for Early Childhood Development in Farmville, VA. Being a substitute teacher at the center has afforded me the opportunity to expand my knowledge of working in a professional setting and perfecting my professional skills. It also allowed me to work with children and parents in a professional setting which will be resourceful when I become a speech-language pathologist.

ePortfolio Content and Purpose

The content presented in this ePortfolio is intended to showcase the professional writing skills that I have gained in the course of ENGL 470 through the assignments and activities completed throughout the Fall 2018 semester.  The class activities and course assignments have improved the way that I practice technical/professional writing in many ways. I have learned how to compose professional documents in a formal and correct way, I have learned how to utilize the eight C’s when writing, along with many other things.  I have accomplished many of the course learning objectives but believe that learning never stops, therefore, I am still perfecting some of the learning objectives.

Course Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze and produce writing genres commonly found in the professional world (e.g., business, gov., media);
  2. Create professional documents that use plain English (clear, concise, and grammatically correct);
  3. Conduct research to create content for a variety of professional documents (memos, letters, reports, etc.);
  4. Create professional documents that use design—standard formats, layout, use of graphics, etc.
  5. Practice oral communication skills to present content effectively (enhanced with multimedia tools);
  6. Participate productively in collaborative projects.