Family Engagement Project Phase 1: Individual Report




                                                              Animal Dice Game




In this activity the parent and child will be creating a jumbo dice using cardboard and or a used square box that can be rolled and decorated. In this activity the parent and child will be given cut outs of different animals with an action and or sound that the animal makes. This game is a fun game to help children memorize animal names to their normal action and or sound as well as what the animal looks like. This child can decorate the background of the box with construction paper, wrapping paper, and or just leave it with a normal background. The child will then cut and color the pictures of the animals and the glue them onto the dice that was made. Once the dice is created the child and parent can start rolling the dice and once the dice has stopped rolling and landed on a picture then the child and or parent must start acting and or making the noise that the animal makes. Some of the actions on the dice are different, so that each time the child rolls the dice they are doing a different action while learning what that animal specialty is. Once the child gets the hang of the game, the parent can then start asking the child to spell the animals name and or give a description of the animal as well to make it more educational.



  Here you will be able to see the supplies that will be used during this activity. Some of the supplies listed are used for decorations and are not needed but make the dice a little more fun! Some of the major supplies you will need is a

  1. Tissue box (used and or a used cardboard box)
  2. Animal print out sheet (provided)
  3. Glue
  4. Scissors
  5. Construction paper and or wrapping paper
  6. Crayons and or markers

Program Guidelines

In this section you will find some guidelines that this activity will provide for the parent and child. Each of these guidelines are sure to be meant during the completion of this activity.

  1. Parents can do with children of preschoolers (ages 3-5): Yes
  2. Facilitate parental engagement/involvement: Yes
  3. Enhance children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and or physical development: Yes
  4. Are inexpensive: Yes
  5. Can be completed in a half-hour or less: Yes (could take a little longer if one wants to add more decorations)

     Child Development

This game is created to help with a child cognitive development process. This game can help with a child’s memory with trying to memorize what kind of animals are on the dice and what the movement and or sound might be. It has been said that it isn’t “until the age of 3 that children can reliably do this, although they remain better at recognition than recall, and they do not show ability to spontaneously use mnemonic strategies to assist remembering for a number of years”(Anthony). Playing this game can help a child remember that animal by what they look as well as what actions that they may do. This game is about memorizing the animals and then having to act a certain way to describe the animal. Having the dice helps with children having to repeat an action which can help with the memorization process. “Children tend to use routines to define understanding of events, and to recall sequence” (Anthony). Cognitive development is very important during this age range and is important to work with a child in their learning process. This game will help with a child cognitive development with the memorization process but is also a physical attribute because the child will be running around and be using their bodies to act out the animal as well as to roll and get the dice.


    Works Cited

“Cognitive Development in 3-5 Year Olds.” Scholastic,


“Dear Zoo Activities for Toddlers, Preschool, Prek, & Kindergarten. Great Activities to Accompany the Book. Use at Home with Your o…: Preschool + Pre-K: Zoo Activities, Dear Zoo Activities, Animal Activities for Kids.” Pinterest,