



While completing these activity’s for families who are in the Head Start Program we implemented that families will become more involved if these activity’s and materials were sent home to them. The class was separated into different groups where each group created a game that would be suitable for children the ages 3-5. My group choose the animal dice game which focused on children’s gross motor skills, cognitive development, and parental involvement. It was very important to gain information about the program and what their needs are at this moment of time. I took the knowledge that I gained from doing research on Head Start as well as previous knowledge I have had from doing previous work with children.

This is related to our course on parenting and child development because families involvement is very important to children who are of a young age. We learned in the class the different parenting styles as well as different programs that are beneficial for children who are of a young age. Parent involvement is important to a child cognitive development because they can help one learn new things that are important for life. This project is relevant to class because we looked at parental involvement and the importance of children in this state of age gaining the right amount of cognitive and gross motor activities to help one gain more knowledge.

While completing this activity I learned how to professionally create activity’s that will be suitable for every families.I gained knowledge about the Head Start program and what their goals are in helping families who are in need. I learned how to give a professional presentation on a research study and how to put our knowledge and imply it into the real world. This project also helped me learn how to professionally apply knowledge learned in the classroom and apply it to the real world.

While completing this project I created the game called Animal Dice Game which the group I was put into all agreed that would be the best activity to give out to the families. We all met to put the activity together as well as to deliver the activities to  our Professors office. We all contribute to this project and I believe it went smoothly, but like always with group presentations their complications that come along with it. Overall I think the project went smoothly and I gained a lot out of this project that I will like to use later on in life.