Costume Design, THEA 345

This was one of my first costume-intensive courses,  which excited me, as I came to Longwood specifically for costume design and technology. My personal interests in costuming lies in wig and makeup work, as well as stitching, so this course was actually quite challenging for me! I do not typically consider myself to be a designer, but I gave it my best shot. In this class, we learned how to render costume designs, different styles of designing, and different types of historical fashion.

I struggled a bit with this class, as drawing figures is something that has always been difficult for me. I am quite proud of the work I produced for this class, and even ended up including a project done in this class in my portfolio, which I presented to countless potential employers at SETC, a huge theatre conference in the southeast. For me, the thing I struggled with most was connecting my designs to specific aspects of characters. We were challenged throughout this course to defend our work, and were asked constantly how our choices helped tell the story of each character we designed for.

The artifact for this class that I chose is my final project. This was what was included in my portfolio as an example of my costume design skills, as well as skills in figure drawing and bringing a concept to life. Unfortunately, this project was drawn on paper, so I am unable to upload examples of my work until I get back to a place where I can use a proper scanner. I will fix this as soon as possible!