Acting 1, THEA 113

In this course, we learned the fundamentals to acting in theatre. We also learned about major styles of acting and those who developed the techniques for these styles. I was excited to take this course, as I had acted throughout high school and had taken four years of acting classes prior to this class. Every theatre major, regardless of concentration, is required to take this class.

In this course, I learned some really wonderful techniques for developing character. We were tasked with many different “life in the room” exercises, which were developed by Uta Hagen. These exercises were designed to help crate character in scenes, and they gave me some wonderful foundations for creating character when I act now, as well as take notice of the little things in my life that I do that make me more interesting as a person and as a character.

The artifact I chose for this class is a group presentation. We were tasked with researching the life, work, and methods of different acting teachers, then presenting our findings to the class. We also were asked to prepare two different techniques that these teachers developed and run them with the class. My group presented Lee Strasberg. The work that I did had my name in the lower left corner of the presentation.