A Letter to My Senior Self

Hey, Emma!

You made it! Looking back, I wonder if it feels like the last three years have flown by? So much has already happened in my first year, so I hope you have tons of wonderful memories as you prepare to leave Longwood.

I hope that you have continued to build on your sense of confidence within yourself throughout college. It is hard to motivate and to build yourself up, but it is incredibly important to have that ability for yourself. I’m sure that there have been plenty of ups and downs throughout your experience at Longwood, but I know that you have persevered the worst and cherished the best things that have happened to you.

I also hope that you feel a sense of accomplishment within yourself for all that you have done. I have no idea what exactly my future holds here at Longwood, but I know that it is bright and that I have the ability to make it something incredible. I have no doubt in my mind that you did! Even the little things build up to wonderful things.

I hope that you were able to give back to those who have worked to build you up. I hope that you have spent time making sure that those around you know how much you appreciate them. I hope that you have make wonderful connections and relationships with those people and that you will continue to give back and to thank them for everything that they have done for you.

Finally, I hope that you did not allow yourself to slip up academically! I know that I have placed my grades very high on my priorities, and this is because I care about doing well in school. I hope that you were able to maintain a high GPA and that you put just as much effort into your Honors and general education courses as you did in your theatre classes.

I believe in you, senior Emma! I know that you have accomplished so much and have grown as a person an incredible amount. Do not forget where you came from, though!


Best wishes,

(Freshman) Emma