
Hi, my name is Ciara. I’ve just completed my sophmore year at Longwood University. I’m a Mathematics major with a concentration in Secondary Education. This means that I want to be a math teacher for either high school or middle school. I would like to go back to my high school, Manchester High School, and teach.

My freshman year at Longwood was filled with a lot of first for me. I’m the first child in my family to go to college, so it was a bit scary and it was filled with many unknowns. However, my time at Longwood has been filled with many memories such as going to the G.A.M.E with my best friend, attending Springfest, and playing in Stampede. Stampede is the pep band that is on campus. Since I commute, this was a way that I could make more friends and feel like I was a part of campus. Not only did I make a lot of memories, I was also able to thrive academically. I made the Dean’s List both semesters.

My sophomore year was more academic and work focused. I was promoted at Mathnasium, so I took more time to focus on my job. Academically, I took multiple math courses, and different electives. These electives were interesting and a great addition to my education.