Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Ciara,

These last four years must have flown by. I’m sure you can remember how quickly freshman year went. Graduation to me now seems so far away, but I’m sure it’ll be here before you and I know it.

I’m curious if you’ve made the most out of your Longwood experience. This last year, commuting has made it hard to join clubs and organizations. However, for my sophomore year, I want to make an effort to try and be a part of more clubs and organizations. Being a part of Stampede this last year was a lot of fun, so I hope you’ve continued with being in the pep band, and tried to take a bigger role in it. I also hope you’ve participated in every Longwood tradition since that was the best part of my freshman year.

Have you made the Dean’s List every semester? That was my goal when I started at Longwood, Grades and my GPA mean the world to me, but you know that. I’m sure that our grades have been good throughout the years. Making the Dean’s List is one of the best achievements for us.

Finally, I just hope you’ve enjoyed your years at Longwood. Longwood was the perfect school of us, and I just want you to make the most of being at college. I hope student teaching went well, and that you got a lot of experience being in a classroom. I hope you made friends that you will keep throughout your lifetime. I hope that you made memories that you can talk about for years to come. Overall, I hope that the years at Longwood were amazing and enjoyable.

Enjoy graduation,
