Global Citizenship


For my Global Citizenship course, I took Spanish 111. In this course, we learned the beginnings of the Spanish language. The first part of this course was an introduction to the grammar and speech of Spanish. This part was the easiest for me since I had already taken three years of Spanish in high school. As the semester progressed, the Spanish that was taught got hard and complex. The Spanish language has little tricks about it that can make it tricky at times.

The artifact that I have included is an end of the year project. In this end of the year project, a partner and I had to talk for ten minutes about a specific Spanish topic. For our topic, we decided to research and talk about the Spanish band Gente De Zona. This encompassed everything we knew about Spanish language. We were able to speak the language and write a script. We used multiple tense in order to show that we had learned and understood how to use them.