COMM 101


COMM 101 was an introduction to public speaking course. In this course, we discovered how to give multiple speeches including persuasive, demonstrative, and narrative. My favorite speech that we had to do through the course was the persuasive speech.

I’ve included the presentation that I used in my speech. My topic was “why Marvel is better than DC in the cinematic universe.” I decided to choice this topic because I knew it was something that would grab my audiences attention, and when delivering a persuasive speech, there has to be an attention grabber.

One of my critics that I had received throughout the class was the speed of my speech. I tend to talk quite fast, and it can make it hard to understand everything that I say. For this speech, I decided to take a risk, and only run through my speech one time before I gave it. The reason why I did this is only having one run through forces me to think about what I am saying which makes me slow down.