CTZN 110


Throughout this course, we discussed the relationship between bodies and citizenship in the United States. Every week, we were assigned an article to read. These articles started in pre-colonial times, and ended in the 20th century. Eventually, the discussion between bodies and citizenship lead to the final project which is the artifact that is presented. The final project was to design your own CTZN 110 course, and it had to be about a topic that showed a relationship between bodies and citizenship. I decided to research the death penalty and how that relates to bodies and citizenship.

The death penalty is a timeless debate, and one that truly intrigues me. For the course that I created, I wanted the students to form their own opinion about the death penalty by the end of the course. I didn’t want to influence the course with my own personal opinion. To counteract that, I decided to break the course into one history section to learn the background on the death penalty, then I included pros and cons in all my articles that way ‘students’ could again form their own opinions about the death penalty.