English 400 – HON: Advanced Writing Seminar

English 400 is a required course for every student at Longwood. The course focuses on intertwining writing and active citizenship within a discourse community; my class focused on youth culture. We read various articles pertaining to youths and analyzed the way in which adults perceive and portray childhood and adolescence. Our final project was to choose an issue within youth culture, research it, and come up with a way that we would like to address or help that particular issue. For my project, I decided to influence other liberal studies majors at Longwood to incorporate movement into their future classrooms in order to combat the increasing rates of childhood obesity and ADHD, and to enhance student learning. This project was different than anything I had ever done before so it was both challenging and rewarding. As a future educator myself, it was interesting to research the benefits of incorporating movement into classrooms. The benefits were far greater than I expected and it is something I am definitely going to do in my future classroom. Attached below is the PechaKucha presentation I created which summarizes the details of my project.
