
APO_header_simpleService is a huge aspect of my life. Spring of 2016, I became a brother of the Alpha Alpha Omicron chapter of Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed national service fraternity. Alpha Phi Omega is founded on the principles of leadership, friendship, and service. As a brother of this fraternity, I get the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of service projects including but not limited to The Woodland nursing home, FACES Farmville area food bank, Habitat for Humanity, the SPCA, etc. I love being able to give back to the community.

In the Spring of 2017, I was able to chair my own project. I got in contact with the volunteer coordinator at the local elementary school in Prince Edward County. Twice a week, each week, a group of brothers and I went to the school and tutored fourth grade students in math and reading to prepare them for SOLs. It was an amazing experience to see the impact we had on the students in such a short time.

In the Spring of 2018, I served on the executive council as secretary for my chapter of Alpha Phi Omega. It was such a rewarding experience being able to serve my brotherhood in this position. I worked along side an amazing group of people to better the Alpha Alpha Omicron chapter. I learned that service is not just giving back to the community you live in or to a national organization. Service can be as simple as giving back to your friends and family, the people who are by your side day in and day out.