Letter to My Senior Self

Dear Senior Mary,

Congratulations! You are a senior in college now! This means you survived the all-nighters spent cramming that last minute paper you procrastinated on; the Friday night movie marathons and dance parties with your roommates; the endless cups of coffee; and all of the other joys of being a college student. This is the final stretch. However, you’re just going to graduate and go back to grad school and get your masters in counselor education so you can help make a difference in countless lives of students. I hope you’ve learned to stop procrastinating on important assignments, such as writing an 8-page paper in just a few hours and submitting it a minute before it’s 11:59 pm due date on Canvas like you did freshman year. I hope you have learned that not all of your friends from high school will be your friends forever, and that is okay. The friends you have met these past 4 years are the ones who really matter. Mom said that when you graduate from college, you will only have $3.00 in your bank account. I bet you have at least $5.00 in that bank account. Take that, mom. I hope you have found everlasting happiness and peace in life. I hope you have traveled to amazing places around the world. I hope you have challenged yourself academically and grown from those experiences. I hope you have served your community selflessly. I hope you have learned from the mistakes that have happened along the way in college. I hope you are prepared for this next chapter of life because it is about to get real.


Freshman Mary