CMSC 208 (YR2 S2)

208 was a very interesting and intensive theory class. I feel like I learned a lot from this class but I also found that this class was extremely difficult when it came to my work. The greatest challenge was learning how to write documents in LaTeX, a text-based language that is used in many math documents. As for the easy stuff, I feel like both the exams we took were fairly easy/reasonable, and I also found that the lectures though not my preferred way of learning, were still pretty engaging overall and I had a great time. The biggest surprise in this class was that there wasn’t as much group work in this class as I am used to with this professor. But even still the class was a great time, but it definitely reinforced that lectures are the hardest form of learning for me, meaning I need to get more practice. I also learned some good mental methodologies to use when it comes to coding to keep me efficient in working on them.