
=In Progress=

Hi, my name is Max Macek, and this is my story. Starting things off, I was super stoked to go to university. It had always been part of my life plan, and I can safely say now that I made the right call with which school to go with. Though along the way there have been plenty of stumbles, a few bad grades, and a very confusing major path, I can safely say not that I am on my way to find success. When I first got to school, I started things out as a Social Work Major. However, I quickly realized that I would not be able to handle the emotional rollercoaster that I was being put through right off the start, and quickly switched over to a Math Major with a concentration in education. Once again, however, I realized that this major was way too intense and I was already far too behind to be able to find success, which eventually led me to computer science, the first major I truly felt like I belonged to. Though every semester it felt like there was a class that threw me off, I still strived for pretty solid grades and overall I can safely say I’m not that disappointed with my performance so far. Though there is always room for improvement, everybody has their bumps in the road. I’m super excited to continue this story as time goes on, however, this journey is only just beginning.