




_ Club President of Gay Straight Alliance (Junior and Senior Year) _

St. Christopher’s School

Richmond, VA

A safe space created to educate people on different Sexuality and Gender issues, while also learning about many different identities along the way. We also sponsored an Affinity group, which allowed members of the LGBTQIA+ community to meet during lunch just to be in a circle of friends who all have different experiences, but still know what it is like to be different.

_ Feminism Club St. Christopher’s Coordinator (Sophomore-Senior Year) _

St. Christopher’s School

Richmond, VA

This was an organization set up to talk about different issues that are faced by women every day. I helped coordinate meetings and make announcements for the Saint Christopher’s campus for those who wanted to be involved by showing support and going to weekly meetings when possible.

_ Middle School Mentors Co-Head (Junior and Senior Year) _

St. Christopher’s School

RIchmond, VA

This group was a teacher selected group of students, who would meet with middle school students every week for breakfast as an older role model to look up to, ask questions, or just to be a friend when they needed one. This has definitely been my favorite organization to have been apart of during high school, since I really got to get involved with a lot of different students, get to know them, and help make their experience at the school better wherever possible.

_ Father Son Camp Counselor at Fork Union Military Academy (Junior and Senior Year) _

Fork Union Military Academy

Fluvanna, Virginia

This is a day long camp at Fork Union Military Academy, where dads bring in their sons and have a fun day-2 days of activity together to grow closer. This was a very fun camp to work since My dad and I both worked it, showing that we both understand just how important that father son relationship is, and helping foster it with different activities, such as football, playing video games, or just having a meal together.

_ City Saints Summer Camp Counselor (Junior and Senior Year) _

St. Christopher’s School

Richmond, VA

City Saints is a two week long camp held at Saint Christophers, where we bring in children ages 3rd-5th grade to teach them different classes and life skills, while also having fun activities in between. This summer camp is very near and dear to my heart, since it is not a stay overnight camp. In some ways, it feels like summer school, but we make the classes more focused on fun ways of learning, rather than just lecture them about different topics. Working with children of these ages, I have gotten very used to being patient and understanding when it comes to handling disagreements and problems, because both people will do everything to be right, even if they are wrong.

_ Honors Student Association Vice President _

Longwood University

Farmville, Virginia

An Honors Student only organization where we have bi-weekly meetings talking about different projects we are doing over the year, including service trips that are done 1-2 times a semester. This was the first organization I got involved in once I got to longwood, and I have enjoyed being a part of it, and can’t wait to continue. Going into my second year in the group I was elected Vice President to help keep the group organized and efficient with activities. My main job is to help make sure all of our committees are organized as well as hosting internal group activities such as secret pals, where every week someone would buy a gift secretly for someone else, and they would then reveal who they were at the end of the semester.

_ Route 15(Acapella Group) Member _

Longwood University

Farmville Virginia

_ Fitness Center (Rock Climbing Wall) Worker _

Longwood University

Farmville, VA

This has been the first real job I have ever held. It is a very different experience than just working a short summer camp, having had to learn a few safety skills, and getting trained to educate people on the sport of rock climbing. Though I have only done it for a short time, this has been one of my favorite places to be on campus, whether I am working or not. The people are always fun to hang around with, and new climbers come in almost everyday trying things out and realizing this sport is a lot more accessible than you think.


_ High School Diploma _

St. Christopher’s School

Richmond, VA 2019

// SKILLS //

· Teamwork

· Efficiency

· Commitment

· Friendliness


· Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award (Senior Year)