English 215 (YR2 S1)

This was one of my favorite English classes I have taken in a long time. The class wasn’t super difficult, but I definitely found some difficulty in some of the projects. The analysis is something I definitely need to continue improving on, but I think overall this class was fairly easy to handle overall. As for things I found easy in this class, I found that the creative projects were pretty easy to do. I had the most fun with the Creative Story project, which we got to create based off of themes we pulled from our stories we had read throughout the semester. With this class, I found myself most surprised by was the number of projects we had in a literature-based class. I was also surprised by how productive our discussions throughout the class were as well. I should expect that level in honors classes but I get surprised every time since I’m so used to not having productive in-class discussions. Overall, the biggest lesson I got from this class was learning how I work more efficiently when it comes to open due dates with projects, as well I learned that I am way more productive in learning things with discussions rather than just reading materials before class the day before.