CTZN 110: HONS: Spaces for Seeing

This course was focused on learning how to be a global citizen by examining different aspects of life through art. This class helped me to enhance my analysis, public speaking, and interview skills. Throughout the course, Dr. Grabiec gave us many different prompts to get us to think creatively about the world around us. We had to take pictures or find pictures that fit the prompt and then bring them to class to present. Then, the class would work together to analyze everyone’s pictures to gain a better understanding of the world we are living in. For our midterm, we had to give a presentation about a problem in the world and a way to fix it through artwork. We were tasked with finding professional pieces of art to back up our topic and explain the issue and our solution. These presentations in this class allowed me to get more comfortable presenting in front of others and sharing my thoughts. Our final exam in this class was a mock job interview for the Longwood Center for the Visual Arts (LCVA) where we had to present pieces of art and convince Dr. Grabiec why we should be hired and why these art pieces would be beneficial to the development of the LCVA.


This artifact is the slideshow presentation I used for my final exam presentation that took the form of a job interview. Here I had to find pieces of art that explained the “Contemporary Citizen” and why these pieces should be part of a contemporary citizen art exhibit in the LCVA. This allowed me the opportunity to understand further how art museums work and to prepare me for future job interviews. I learned how to think on my feet when asked a question that you were not prepared to answer which will help me in the future as a teacher.