Letter to Senior Self

Senior Amber,

I hope that throughout your time at Longwood you have made many lifelong friendships and cherish every memory you’ve made. Never stop chasing your dreams, you have made it this far, you have accomplished more than you ever thought you would. I encourage you to continue your education in the future and never stop learning. After graduation, I hope you find a way to stay involved in your community, serving others. Participate in church mission trips, volunteer at a local food bank, or find another way to continue helping out others who are less fortunate than you.

I challenge you to look for something positive in every day and understand that you are worth much more than you may think. You made it through all of the hard times and the long nights. You worked your hardest and I am proud of you for doing your best in everything and accomplishing this amazing milestone. Make sure you stay in touch with all of the people who helped you along the way, encourage them as they start their adventure.

I hope you have stayed involved on campus throughout your time at Longwood and that you were able to make connections with some amazing people along the way. Your college experience may be over, but all of the memories you have made will never fade. Continue looking forward and giving all of the glory to God. I am so proud of everything you have accomplished, and I can’t wait to see what comes next in your adventure.


Freshman Amber