Episcopal Campus Ministry

As a cradle Episcopalian, I knew it would be important for me to find my church home away from home. I am so thankful that I was able to do that my freshmen year, as this community that I found not only in the campus ministry but not only the parish itself had an irreplaceable effect on me during my time in Farmville. One of my favorite parts of this organization were the retreats we went on – one in the fall and one in the spring. The fall retreat took us to Chanco on the James to meet with the three other campus ministries in the Diocese, which led to me finding some of my closest college friends on other campuses, while the spring retreat took us to Shrine Mont on our own, though we did inadvertently meet up with another campus ministry.

During my time in this organization, I served as the president for three semesters (Spring ’17 through Spring ’18) and the Vestry Liaison for my last semester in town.