English 215

This was by far one of my favorite classes. The class was all about 9/11 and the culture that surrounds it. We read several books that related to 9/11. Dr. Lund had a way of making the stories come alive. His passion and commitment to education was a beautiful thing. Everything he did, he put his all into.

One of the neatest things about this class was that Dr. Lund would show us a different Geico commercial each day and he could always relate the theme of the commercial to a topic we were learning in class. This kept students engaged and wanting to come to class. We would all laugh at the commercials and it felt as if there was a real bond in the class. He also had strong community connections and had multiple guest speakers come in to talk to us about things such as the military and agriculture. He was never afraid to get personal and honest, sharing his life experiences as well.

Artifact description:

Dr. Lund had us plant a victory garden beside Wheeler Lot. Victory gardens were common during the world wars and were used to prevent starvation. My friend, Fallon, and I were assigned to harvest the lettuce. We had so much fun getting our hands dirty. All of the vegetables that were grown in the garden were donated to the local food pantry or to our guest speakers. The image below is a selfie Fallon and I took once we had harvested the lettuce, sanitized it, and put it in a baggie for the food pantry.