American Sign Language 110

American Sign Language is an important skill that everyone should adopt. I will be working directly with patients who cannot speak or who are deaf or hard-of-hearing in the future, which is why it is important for me personally. However, I feel that learning this skill can benefit everyone because it allows you to be able to communicate with fellow citizens in a new way.

This class was slightly intimidating because you not only had to worry about the content of the class, but also the culture of the people. However, we were able to attend a training session and work with individuals who were deaf which was very rewarding. Working with these individuals helped to perfect our skills and build our confidence.

The end of the year was by far the most difficult. Online learning is not something that I am very good at to begin with, but not being able to sign in person was extra challenging. The professor made videos and helped us to find resources that would make our lives a little easier. The thing I am most worried about is not remembering what I learned virtually because these steps were the foundation of the language.

Artifact description:

This is an example of one of our vocabulary lists. As you can see, ASL grammar is different than English in many ways. Learning the grammar is half the battle!