English 210: Pillar

This course has allowed me to understand my digital identity. I now know that there are many different forms and genres present in my life that contribute to the way I think and create artifacts of my own.

I am so thankful for all of the knowledge and experience I have gained from taking this course. Not only did I learn the fundamentals of writing, but I also learned that Longwood is full of amazing students and staff. My fellow honors classmates were always so encouraging and helpful. However, what I believe to be most important is how impactful my professor was on my first semester of college. When I first began this course, I felt as if I did not measure up to the rest of my peers. However, my professor took time to work with me in order to help me reestablish my strengths. It was obvious that she cared for her students and wanted what was best for us. Without the constant support that she offered, I think I would have had a harder time adjusting to college life. I cannot express how happy I am to be part of a university that recognizes that education is more than just test taking and academics.

Artifact description:

The MLK remediated assignment enabled me to understand that rhetorical appeals and genres have a lot to do with the outcome of a piece of literature. MLK was able to employ ethos, logos, and pathos all throughout his work. His letter was passionate and used evidence to support his argument. Although captivating, it was also difficult for present-day students to comprehend. In order to aid in understanding, our class used modern-day techniques to reevaluate the content of the letter. By using genres that appealed to the twenty-first century, we were able to preserve the importance of this document by using a different lens.