Education 245: Pillar

This class was all about human development! It was one of the more challenging classes I have had. We utilized the textbook every night which was difficult for me because I am not a huge textbook fan! However, taking this course provided me with many valuable lessons and I felt very accomplished after it was complete.

One of the main things we did throughout this course was learn proper APA format. This was very helpful because I had never used APA before. However, the summer classes I am currently taking rely heavily on this type of writing, so I feel much more prepared as a result of taking education 245!

This class also directly relates to my major because it is very important to understand the various stages of life. When I treat patients later in life, I will have to remember how to speak to them in a way that is appropriate for their age, gender, and other personal variables. I am now also more aware of why certain individuals behave certain ways and how factors such as their environment affects them. Because the class taught me a lot about poverty, I feel more passionate about evening the playing field. My eyes were opened to how one’s social status directly relates to all aspects of their life. Everyone should have access to basic resources such as education, clean drinking water, and an adequate shelter.

Artifact description:

The main assignment we completed throughout the semester was a ten-page research paper on a topic of our choice. One day, a classmate was sharing her experience with the foster care system. There were many unfortunate events throughout her experience that are far too common during this process. Children in foster care deserve more and I am so thankful to have been able to research this topic in order to better understand how to help these individuals. Below is a slide from a powerpoint that I made that presents my topic’s main idea by arguing for foster care reform.